這裡是MSDN的成員介紹 -> KinectSensor Members
KinectSensor (a sensor )
- Status : Attribute - 存放sensor ststus
- ColorStream : Attribute - RGB data stream
- KinectSensors : Attribute - 為集合,all kinect connected to computer
- AllFrameReady : Event - 所有類型傳至電腦的時候trigger
- ColorFrameReady : Event - 有新的Color(RGB)資訊傳至電腦的時候trigger
- DepthStream :Event 取得深度stream資訊。
- DepthFrameReady : Event 有新的Depth資訊傳至電腦時候trigger
- SkeletonFrameReady : Event 有新的Skeleton 資訊傳至電腦時候trigger
- SkeletonStream : the skeleton stream . Attribute
- MapSkeletonPointToColor : convert the skeleton point data into Color image data.
- MapSkeletonPointToDepth :convert the skeleton point data into Depth data.Method
KinectSensorCollection (included all kinect 集合 connected to computer)
- StatusChanged : Event - 當kinect有連到電腦時trigger
- Count : Attribute - count kinect number
StatusChangedEventArgs (Kinect sensor status changed arguments)
- Sensor : 參考到狀態改變的sensor
- Status : 參考到改變sensor的status
- Connected :connected , can use .
- NotReady : 未進入 connected 狀態
- Disconnected : 為連接判斷
- Initializing : 初始化已經連接的kinect
- Error : 有問題
ColorImageStream (ColorImageFrame Stream Object)
- Format : RGB data format、解析度。Attribute
- FramePixelDataLength : pixel data
- Enable : Method , RGB 輸出
- FrameWidth : Image width
- FrameHeight : Image height
- Format :Depth data format . Attribute
- Range : Range (near to far ) Attribute.
- Enable : Method , output the depth data stream .
- OpenNextFrame : can control the next frame by user . Method .
- PixelDataLength : type : Int32 , the content is rigister length . Attribute
- CopyPixelDataTo : copy the pixel to pre-allocated memory. Method .
- MapToSkeletonPoint : get the respect Skeleton point from the known depth information. Method .
- MapToColorImagePoint : get the respect Color (RGB) point from the known depth information . Method.
- OpenDepthImageFrame : get the latest depth data from sensor . Method.
SkeletonStream (a class from kinect skeleton stream )
- FrameSkeletonArrayLength : Attribute , the max numbers of skeleton .
- IsEnable : Attribute
- OpenNexFrame : user deside to get the latest (next) frame .
FrameEdges (a enumeration of skeleton is clear or not)
- None : clear . no clipping
- Bottom : kinect can not detect the bottom part.
- Top : kinect can not detect the top part.
- Left : kinect can not detect the left part.
- Right : kinect can not detect the right part.
- Tracked
- Inferred : it can tracked by other point .
- NotTracked